Nobel Prize is Given for the Reason Cancer Occurs
It is dumbfounding how the medical profession keeps searching for the answer as to how cancer develops while ignoring the discovery made over 75 years ago by Dr. Otto Heinrich Warburg. In 1931 Dr. Warburg was given the Nobel prize in medicine for discovering cells starved of oxygen will lose the ability to burn the glucose it receives. These cells will either die, or learn to produce energy by fermenting the glucose. Fermentation only creates 1/6 the energy a cell using the oxidization process makes. Once a cell has converted to fermentation as its power source the cell can never go back to being an oxidizing cell.
Fermenting cells are starving cells. They can not get enough glucose to stay energized. This leads to the replication of more fermenting cells in an effort to gain the energy the body requires. In a sense it is these mutated cells mission to replace normal oxygen burning cells with their own kind. They’re like the vampire of the cellular world. Dr. Warburg discovered a 60% drop in oxygen is the bite on the neck for a normal cell. At that point it must transform to survive. Throughout this transformation process the cell has two options. It can either just die outright, or adapt into the malignant cell known as cancer. In a sense the cancer cell is actually the bodies attempt of trying to save itself. It’s a bit like jumping out of an airplane with either no parachute, or an umbrella. Either way you’re dead, but at least with the umbrella one may prolong the inevitable.
These fermentation cells make up masses within the body called tumors. They are weak, unable to produce the enzymes needed for a healthy cell structure. The fermentation process of the cell creates lactic acid as a by-product. Collecting in the bodies tissues lactic acid can bring on a condition call Lactic acidosis which means the blood becomes too acidic and can lead to organ damage. The best way to remove lactic acid is to receive a deep muscle massage with ozonated olive oil.
pH Levels Indicate the Cell’s Health
Cancer cells can not grow when the bodies pH level is alkaline. So the fact that fermentation cells create lactic acid which will in turn raise the acid pH level, which will in turn further lower the oxygen levels, which creates more fermentation cells, which creates more lactic acid, which makes the acid pH level higher, which lowers oxygen still more… Oh no this process is like stepping between two mirrors and seeing your reflection an infinite number of times between the mirrors. It becomes easy to see how these two elements, pH level and oxygen, feed each other.
Actually Medical Research Does Have Some Clues
Recently Dr. Ralph Mason, a professor of Radiology at
This method of treatment explained by Dr. Mason is currently one of the newest in the
When ozone contacts a weakened cell which has lost its protective enzyme membrane, like a cancer cell, it oxidizes the cell. This destruction of the cell causes the tumor to shrink. Over many months of continual ozone therapy every cell becomes surrounded by the singlet oxygen molecules ozone delivers. As the cancer and other weak cells are burned up the normal cells again receive the oxygen required for good health.
NOTE: Ozone therapy is not FDA approved. The following information is for educational purposes only. Consult your licensed doctor for cancer treatment.
During the 1930s the Italian government drained
Move Ahead 60 Years
In the 1990s medical clinics in
The process of removing cancerous cells through ‘Overheating Therapy’ is one of kickstarting the body’s inflammation response. In part this speeds up the body’s metabolism, resulting in the immune system’s production of more macrophage, which loves to consume anything which does not belong in the body.
Along with improving the immune system, high heat specifically attacks cancer cells through its own fermentation process. Because a cancer cell is inferior to a normal cell its ability to eliminate the lactic acid produced is shutdown if the cell suffers a temperature between 104 and 107°F. At that point lactic acid becomes trapped within the cell which creates an extreme acidic pH level. In time the cell can not survive its own acid and dies. Far infrared can be used locally to create such a temperature within the body. It is dangerous to get your body core temperature above 104°F.
Different Ways To Heat The Body
The first, and most important, is to not do it alone. At the very least have a person monitoring the progress, at the very best have a trained medical professional do the monitoring.
· * Do not eat for a couple of hours before the treatment.
- * Empty the bowel and bladder before each treatment.
- * Start out slow, allow the body to acclimate to the high temperatures.
- * If possible, endure the treatment for an hour at a time.
- * Do not let the pulse rise above 135.
- * If the treated person has a heart problem do not do the therapy without medical approval.
- * The brain can suffer damage if heated too high, take proper precautions.
- * The person receiving the treatment should always listen to their own body. End the treatment at the first sign of stress. It should be noted that the inflammation response within the body is by its very nature stressful, but it is better to proceed slowly until all involved know what to expect.
Other Alternative Cancer Therapies
Because traditional medicine has had no major breakthrough in the treatment of cancer for the last… well, most everybody’s lifetime… people are turning to other forms of treatment. A fairly complete list of these alternative cancer treatments can be viewed at the Cancer Tutor website.
One of the better known and respected is the Gerson therapy. It is a regiment of diet, supplements and coffee enemas. The goal of the Gerson therapy is to restore the body’s oxidization process. A strict protocol of detoxification through six enemas is accompanied by drinking the juice of 20 pounds of organically grown vegetables on a daily basis. So one part is to eliminate the garbage from the body while rebuilding the damaged body the garbage created. Progress is slow and demands a minimum commitment of a year and a half to the program.
When it come to the treatment of cancer our society deserves better than the medical establishment. By now it deserves a cure.
NOTE: This information is for educational purposes only. Consult your licensed doctor for cancer treatment.
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